Piccadilly Circus
Serial number: oc-215
Description: the circus at midday: red busses and people
Medium: oil on canvas
Dim. w/frame: 0 0
Dim. image: 73.5 89
Signature: ft:l.r: Jos Oppenheim '51
Inscription: rev.:u.l: Joseph Oppenheimer Picadilly (sic) Circus 1951;u.r: Elm Tree Rd; rev.
Inscription2: sticker: RAA + RSPP, Totteridge Lane, Laurenny, JB- J-3850; on frame: J.O. 152
History: Kings Rd, London + note att.: property of Vincent Prager on loan to Mrs. J.O.
Biblio: OG-1955 (cat), HG-1957 (cat.) see d-97 (preparatory sketch, 1
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